Finished Bore Spiral Bevel Gears (MBSA - MBSB)

Ready to use without performing secondary operations. Strong and abrasion resistant.

Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 3.0
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 15
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BT
Bore (A): 10.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 26.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 30.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 34.59 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 55.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 9.3 (mm)
Total Length (F): 23.78 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 10.77 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 22.50 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 2.5
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 18
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BK
Bore (A): 12.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 32.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 36.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 40.42 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 60.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 14.2 (mm)
Total Length (F): 28.54 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 15.88 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 27.50 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 1.5
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 20
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BK
Bore (A): 15.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 35.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 40.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 43.49 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 45.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 11.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 13.3 (mm)
Total Length (F): 24.96 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 16.16 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 23.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 2.0
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 20
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BK
Bore (A): 15.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 35.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 40.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 44.20 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 55.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 13.8 (mm)
Total Length (F): 28.16 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 16.05 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 27.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 1.5
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 30
Direction of Spiral: Right Hand
Shape: B4
Bore (A): 20.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 40.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 60.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 61.36 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 40.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 11.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 14.0 (mm)
Total Length (F): 26.80 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 21.02 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 23.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 2.0
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 40
Direction of Spiral: Right Hand
Shape: B4
Bore (A): 20.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 45.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 80.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 81.06 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 45.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 18.0 (mm)
Total Length (F): 31.83 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 26.06 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 29.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 3.0
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 45
Direction of Spiral: Right Hand
Shape: B4
Bore (A): 20.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 48.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 90.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 90.66 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 40.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 18.0 (mm)
Total Length (F): 30.01 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 25.99 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 27.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 2.5
Module: 2
No. of teeth : 45
Direction of Spiral: Right Hand
Shape: B4
Bore (A): 20.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 48.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 90.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 90.79 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 40.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 15.0 (mm)
Total Length (F): 27.67 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 22.98 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 25.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 3.0
Module: 2.5
No. of teeth : 15
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BK
Bore (A): 12.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 32.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 37.50 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 43.06 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 70.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 17.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 12.8 (mm)
Total Length (F): 30.51 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 14.68 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 29.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 2.5
Module: 2.5
No. of teeth : 18
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BK
Bore (A): 15.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 40.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 45.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 50.35 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 72.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 18.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 14.8 (mm)
Total Length (F): 33.19 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 16.82 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 31.50 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 1.5
Module: 2.5
No. of teeth : 20
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BK
Bore (A): 18.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 43.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 50.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 54.43 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 55.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 15.2 (mm)
Total Length (F): 30.08 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 18.98 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 28.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 2.0
Module: 2.5
No. of teeth : 20
Direction of Spiral: Left Hand
Shape: BK
Bore (A): 20.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 43.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 50.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 55.12 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 65.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 17.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 13.3 (mm)
Total Length (F): 31.01 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 16.28 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 29.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 1.5
Module: 2.5
No. of teeth : 30
Direction of Spiral: Right Hand
Shape: B4
Bore (A): 22.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 48.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 75.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 76.74 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 50.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 14.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 18.0 (mm)
Total Length (F): 33.60 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 26.31 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 30.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 2.0
Module: 2.5
No. of teeth : 40
Direction of Spiral: Right Hand
Shape: B4
Bore (A): 25.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 55.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 100.00 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 101.29 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 50.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 17.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 16.0 (mm)
Total Length (F): 33.35 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 26.29 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 30.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°
Bore Type: Finished
Gear Ratio: 3.0
Module: 2.5
No. of teeth : 45
Direction of Spiral: Right Hand
Shape: B4
Bore (A): 22.0 (mm)
Hub Diameter (B): 55.0 (mm)
Pitch Diameter (C): 112.50 (mm)
Outer Diameter (D): 113.28 (mm)
Mounting Distance (E): 45.0 (mm)
Face Width (J): 17.00 (mm)
Hub Width (H): 18.0 (mm)
Total Length (F): 32.43 (mm)
Length from Crown to Back: 27.42 (mm)
Length Of Bore (I): 28.00 (mm)
Helix Angle: 35°
Pressure Angle : 20°